Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Literacy Centers Part 1

Here are a few examples of the literacy centers that students work at every day.  They work in groups in 3 or 4 for about 30 minutes focused on a specific objective and idea.

1. Poetry/Rhymes- Students read through a poem together that we have learned as a class  Then they fill in the blanks in their own version and illustrate the poem.

2. Special Reading Project-Students will work with a book project about a book we have read together in class. In this picture students are focusing on sequencing and matching pictures to words with a Brown Bear, Brown Bear project.

3. Guided Reading- Students work on different reading strategies with me by reading through a book on their reading level. Then students work on a writing project that correlates with the book.

4. Pocket Chart- Students work together to put a story in order on the pocket chart

More examples to come throughout the year!